Product Overview: Winchester aa super handicap powder
Winchester Super-Handicap Powder is Available in 1 lb. and 8 lb. containers.
Winchester Smokeless Powders has been around since the late 1800s. Customers who have shot Winchester factory-loaded ammunition know the quality of propellant they’re receiving as soon as the first shot is fired. Bring that quality home to the reloading bench with the Winchester family of powders.
The same powder used in Super Handicap shotshell ammunition Winchester Super Handicap powder in stock is clean, consistent, and an excellent powder for long-range sporting clays. (Winchester aa super handicap powder)
Other Important Information:
- Do not exceed the loads displayed in the reloaders guide.
- Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source.
- Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or any Black Powder substitute.
Dexters Laboratory From Texas –
I use this powder with the clay buster Wads CB1075-20 3/4oz but i load 7/8 oz #8 for dove hunting and because this powder takes up less room all fits just right in every assortment of cases that i have used.I also use a Lee Load-all Re loader and I use the .095 insert for powder and the 7/8oz insert both are the smallest that cam with my Lee Load-all using random shell cases of all kinds I get a steady load running between 1274fps to 1284fps using my ProChrono Shot 10 rounds when I started loading today then mid way threw I shot 3 test rounds and when I finishes I shot 3 Test rounds and the last 3 were 1279 1284 and 1281 what more could you ask for I am glad I got me a 8LB jug. I cant find any win 540 any more. . “WARNING” this powder is fast burning and only takes up about 2/3 the space as some other powders so do not just switch powder with same charge bar in your loader you may over charge and damage your firearm but this powder being so compact it allows for the 7/8oz led load with the 3/4oz wads and all fits perfect Using Winchester Mod-1300 pump with full choke for test shots