Product Overview: Ramshot x-Terminator
Ramshot Smokeless Powder is newly manufactured, meaning it hasn’t been pulled from loaded ammunition and it’s not military surplus powder. Every powder in the Ramshot family is double-based and spherical shaped.
Ramshot X-TERMINATOR in stock now is a double-base spherical powder designed for the high volume 223 varmint hunters who demand a clean burning, accurate powder. x terminator powder has Excellent flow characteristics and small grain size allowing trouble-free loading in small diameter case necks. The x terminator performs extremely well with light to medium-weight bullets in the 223 Remington. It is also an excellent choice for 17 Remington, 20 caliber cartridges, 222 Remington, and the 45-70 Government
Other Important Information:
- Do not exceed the loads displayed in the reloaders guide.
- Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source.
- Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or any Black Powder substitute.
JP From Burns, WY –
I use X-Terminator in a 6.8 SPC with a Bison Armory 16″ Recon barrel with 1/11″ Twist. My load is SSA brass, CCI 41 Primers, Hornady 120gr SSTs, and 29.6gr X-Terminator. 18 shots over a ProChrono at 4200ft and 60* resulted in an average velocity of 2456 ft/s, Extreme Spread of 45 ft/s, and SD of 11. Accuracy ranges from .75 – 1.25 MOA using a 4x ACOG at 100yds. One thing I learned about X-Terminator is that it seems to work better with hot primers (such as CCI 41s or Magnums). I went through approximately 35 different loads (different powders, primers, neck tension, outside neck turning), and nothing was working to give me acceptable accuracy (1MOA), acceptable velocity, and acceptable velocity spread (less than 50 ft/s ES). I was running out of ideas when I happened to try the CCI 41s, and the very first load with them was what I wanted. After thinking about it a bit, it made sense, as X-Terminator is a small, spherical powder that is very dense, and thus would benefit from the hotter flame of the CCI 41s.